Our Annual Events

At Orchard Ridge Nursery School, we pride ourselves on our fantastic school community. We understand that a solid community takes time to build. For this reason, we plan multiple events per year.

Each school year starts with a Welcome Back celebration. This event allows students, families, and staff to get to know one another in an informal setting.

A few weeks later, the community gathers in service to the school itself. Families and ORNS staff spend the morning cleaning and tidying up the school grounds. We provide the opportunity to tidy up the school grounds during the springtime as well. These events help beautify our school and teach our students the importance of giving back.

The Annual Fundraising Auction is usually our most highly anticipated event of the year. The event helps ensure that ORNS can continue to provide high-quality education year after year. Plus, it’s a good excuse for a child-free date night!

Lastly, we end each school year with an end-of-the-year picnic. The event allows us to celebrate the year’s accomplishments, spend some quality time together, and wish our outgoing 4K students good luck in their elementary education.

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Admissions Info

Click here to learn more about enrolling at Orchard Ridge Nursery School.


Click here to view the academic, snack, and event calendars.

The Owl-a-Gram

Click here to learn about a variety of things related to ORNS. You’ll find our monthly newsletters, helpful tips to make your preschool experience better, as well as general announcements.


Click here to learn about the annual events at ORNS each year.
